
Business of Social Impact Minor

Learn how business skills and techniques can be used to drive positive social impact through the Business of Social Impact Minor. More information on the course requirements can be found here.

Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship (Fall)

Social entrepreneurship refers to the practice of combining innovation, resourcefulness and opportunity to address critical social and environmental challenges. The course is designed for students who are interested in how to create positive social change through market based strategies. No prerequisites, students from all schools are encouraged to enroll.

Course code: B53 MGT 460L


Social Impact: Planning, Measuring and Building (Spring)

This course is designed for students interested in understanding how social change and social impact can be achieved, borrowing tools and resources from a broad spectrum of disciplines asking the following questions: What is social impact and what is social change? How has the concept of social impact developed, where did it come from and how is it useful? How can social impact be meaningfully measured? What examples exist for cooperation and mutual support in the achievement of social impact? What role do for-profit organizations play in creating and promoting social impact? The course will also be taught using examples from existing social impact organizations and feature guest speakers.

Course code: B53 MGT 460M



Social Entrepreneurship

The course is designed for students who are interested in understanding the field of social entrepreneurship.It studies the entrepreneurial concepts and practices that are integral to successful innovation. This course emphasizes the social and policy context of venture development and the unique role of evaluation in this growing field. Even if a student is not interested in starting a venture of his or her own, understanding the entrepreneurial process will enhance productivity for other programs and organizations. All students are encouraged to enroll.

Course code: S50 SWSA 5060 or B63 500T


Social Innovation

Social innovation refers to establishing new patterns of social relationships, organization, services, products, programs, and policies. The process of social innovation is constant, and occurs at multiple levels. Social innovation changes basic patterns and routines, and changes resource and authority flows. Successful social innovation has broad impacts and durability, leading to meaningful and sustained change. This course focuses on the history of social innovation, the meaning of social innovation in our time, and practical strategies to build skills for social innovation. Detailed case examples of social innovation in different spheres and sectors will be presented, including the instructors’ experiences in social innovation. The class will function as a large team and in sub-teams.Students will identify a social change goal, apply course ideas, co-create an innovative strategy, and design processes that can lead to implementation, testing, and eventual success.High levels of commitment, engagement, and teamwork are expected.

Course code: S50 SWSA 5063 or B63 MGT 560J